What do you say to a real-life legend when he smiles and says “Hello”? In the case of Archie Fisher, you smile right back and enjoy every minute of his company. That’s what happened on Sunday at the School of Music in Madeira Park when the renowned musician and all round charming gentleman came to call. His rapt audience revelled in Archie’s memories of more than 60 years as a major force in folk music and laughed with him as he told delightful stories about his life along the borderlands between England and Scotland. His songs are part of the heartfelt tradition of storytelling – of loves found and lost, fishermen cast ashore by reduced fish stocks and commercial fleets, people longing for the pleasures and security of home – the common threads of human life. Many in the audience wished they’d brought a wee dram of single malt to add to the wonderful ambience of Archie’s’ concert – certainly nothing else was missing.